A two-dimensional display of ultrasonic signals that provides a cross-sectional view of the inspected material. One axis corresponds to the distance across the examined specimen, while the other axis corresponds to the depth.

The extraneous or unwanted signals resulting from unpredictable signal origins inside or outside the ultrasonic inspection system, including the material being tested.

The reflected signal from the opposite surface of the material being inspected.

The ability of an imaging system or technique to distinguish between closely spaced reflectors in the direction of wave propagation.

An amplitude-versus-distance diagram used in ultrasonic testing to display and analyze the response from a flaw or reflector within a material.

The decrease in the amplitude or intensity of a wave as it propagates through a material due to absorption, scattering, and other factors.

A graphical data representation of ultrasonic signals displaying the amplitude of the received signal versus time, commonly used in ultrasonic testing for flaw detection and measurement.

A type of ultrasonic transducer consisting of multiple individual elements that can be individually controlled and steered for various inspection techniques.

The property of a material exhibiting different characteristics or properties in different directions due to its internal structure.

A specialized ultrasonic transducer designed to produce sound waves at a specific angle to improve flaw detection in welds or other components.

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