A type of scanning technique in ultrasonic testing where the ultrasonic beam is directed at a specific angle to the test surface, typically using a phased array transducer, to cover a specific sector or angular range of inspection.

The systematic movement or sweeping of a probe or sensor over the surface or volume of a test object during non-destructive testing, allowing for the inspection, mapping, or imaging of defects.

The condition where an amplifier in a non-destructive testing system is operating at its maximum output level and can no longer provide amplification beyond that point, leading to the distortion or limitation of signals.

The state or condition of a magnetic material or system where it can no longer be magnetized further, often associated with reaching the maximum magnetic flux density or magnetic field strength.

The ability of a non-destructive testing technique or system to distinguish or resolve small details, flaws, or changes in a material.

The internal stresses that remain within a material after external forces or loads have been removed, often measured or evaluated using non-destructive testing techniques to assess material integrity.

Refraction refers to the bending or change in direction of a wave as it passes from one medium to another with different optical densities. This phenomenon occurs due to the variation in the speed of the wave as it transitions between the two mediums.

A standardized test object or calibration block with known characteristics and features used to verify the performance, accuracy, or calibration of a non-destructive testing system or technique.

The maximum distance or depth at which an ultrasonic wave can penetrate into a material or the effective range of an ultrasonic testing system in terms of its capability to detect and evaluate flaws.

The emission or transmission of energy in the form of electromagnetic waves or particles. It can occur naturally, such as sunlight and heat radiating from a fire, or artificially, such as X-rays and radio waves generated by man-made devices.

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